An evil mother is a tragedy, an absent mom a heartbreak.
Their babies bear scars that may never heal, and are likely to pay the pain forward.
God help everyone touched by stories like those.
But God help, too, the mom who gives herself fully and freely, who prays for her kids continually, but whom doubt plagues with a conviction that she doesn't measure up.
Not motherly enough.
Not spiritual enough.
Not creative enough.
Not social media enough.
Not __________ enough.
God help this mom to see that she is fully enough, every bit of enough and then some, that You have made her enough for her little ones, her big ones, her grown ones.
Everything her kids need her to be, just by being herself.
Give her some sense of the imprint she is making, and don't let doubt take her joy.
Let her thrive in Your joy on Mother's Day, and every day.