Oh, King!
What will I place ahead of You?
Not my family, and my joy in their love.
Not my career, with its rewards.
Not my body, with its cravings.
Not my suits, ties, and wing-tip shoes, with their self-importance.
Not my dreams, with their enticements.
Not my intelligence, with its lure of solid ground.
Not my pride, with its poison.
Not my ability to please others, with its quicksand.
Not my past, with its memories.
Not my future, with its hopes.
Not my guilt, with its martyrdom.
Not my anger, with its blade.
Not my speaking ability, with its impressiveness.
Not my humor, with its sarcasm.
Not my judgment, with its self-pleasing accuracy.
Not my vision, with its false credit to me.
Not my money, with its security.
Not my amusements, with their fun.
Not my reputation, so important to me.
Father, Master, Maker, Lord, and Friend:
Not one of these will come before You.
Take hold of my life.
Take it, it is Yours.
I am Yours, Oh King!