"I don’t want to be singing 'Satisfaction' when I’m 40."
My Dad once told me about this quote from a young Mick Jagger, in the Stones' early years.
Apparently, Mick couldn't see himself in his 40's, still performing the same hits that made him a star in his 20's. While there is some variation in the accounts of what exactly he said, and what his exact age cutoff was for singing "Satisfaction", the quote has always made me laugh.
How could Mick have known he would still be rocking well into his 60's?
Whether we're singing the song or not, we all want satisfaction, no matter what age we're turning. So, what does satisfaction mean for you?
The right achievements, the right compensation and recognition for the work you do, the right relationships in your life? The right body? The right looks? All of the same in the lives of your children? The right number of blog hits, retweets, Facebook birthday wishes? (Aren't they great, by way?)
I think most of us would have to confess that we want most or all of the above.
An intimate walk with God?
Yes, that too, right?
Some of us convince ourselves we can walk with Jesus while still craving all the same sources of satisfaction everyone else does.
I have fought hard to think this for a long time, and I think it's time for that to change.
Jesus is enough.
His grace is sufficient for me.
He brings satisfaction.
And if I ever lose the relationships, achievements, compensation, health and vitality that I want to have, Jesus is still enough. Whether or not the lives of my children end up being filled with everything I hope for them, Jesus is still enough. Whether or not anyone notices or respects me, or gives a rip whether I'm here or not, Jesus is still enough.
I am passionate about launching young people into successful adult lives, and I plan to keep rocking that music deep into the future, as long as I possibly can. It's what I believe I'm here to do, and I'm grateful to have a purpose.
But even if that purpose is ever taken from me, Jesus is enough.
And that's why I'm singing satisfaction when I'm 40.